We specialist in using a wide range of solid woods such as Nyatok wood , Ash wood , Rubber wood , Teak wood and others to make furniture


We provide varies of material selection to enhance the shape for your outdoor furniture ideas etc. Stainless steel , Aluminium, Wood for the frame work and top with synthetic wicker nor upholstery for your choice .


The marble is a unique natural stones Marble also available variety of choose to  ensure you find exactly staticfy furniture for your home such as Granite , Marble , Quartz ………


The sofa was using solid meranti framework &` semi dry kill wood carcass with premium foam for choice selection of additional accessories to enhance your seating experience   


Has your furniture become old and dull? Over time, your furniture have to withstand a lot of pressure. This can lead to cracking, creasing, tears, and other sorts of damage. But why should you let that plunge the aesthetic of your home? , you can rely on our specialists to breathe new life into your old furniture.

Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!

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